Monday, August 12, 2013

Book Review: Undone by the Duke

Undone by the Duke is the first book in the "Secrets in Silk" series by Michelle Willingham. The second book in the series, Unraveled by the Rebel, is out, but the other 2 that are anticipated are not published yet. But that's okay, these two are enough to keep you occupied until the others are released! 
Undone by the Duke is the story of Victoria Andrews, one of 4 sisters whose family left London 5 years ago to visit property in Scotland that her father inherited when he obtained the title of Viscount. Victoria is a multifaceted character with a great "backstory": she was lost on the moors for several days on the trip up to Scotland, and now she refuses to leave the house. She hasn't been outside in 5 years and she has no plans to leave. It's not that she doesn't WANT to leave, but because of her experience, she has a paralyzing fear of the outdoors.
The Andrews' family is very poor since their mother mismanaged their finances when their father went to fight in Spain. In order to make ends meet, Victoria and her sisters have been sewing gowns for a famous modiste in London. While dressing one of her sisters in a new gown she made, Victoria's mind starts to wander, reflecting on how uncomfortable corsets are and if there's a way to make them more bearable while still being supportive. Maybe, she thinks, if I use silk to line the in- and outside of the garment.............
And thus, the story is born!
Victoria starts remaking corsets and chemises, a lady's "unmentionables," using old materials and out-of-date ballgowns in scandalous colors and they suddenly become all the rage in London, given the name "Aphrodite's Unmentionables." The corsets are selling for astronomical sums, and Victoria is designing them for all walks of women: courtesans, maidens, and married women alike. 
In the midst of all of this happening, Victoria has an unexpected house guest: the Duke of Worthingstone, who was shot by the son of a crofter and left to die. Afraid to reveal his identity and be killed by an indiscriminate mob who might misunderstand his position, Jonathan stays with Victoria as his wound mends but refuses to tell her the truth about himself. As they spend more time together and their relationship grows, Jonathan and Victoria each realize their feelings for the other. Determined not to leave Scotland without Victoria by his side, Jonathan makes her an offer she cannot refuse: if she marries him, he will offer the crofters who had been forced off their land his protection and allow them to build anew on his land. If not, he will sit by and let the Earl who had forced them out in the first place proceed to threaten their livelihoods. 

I like this story for a lot of reasons. I think the concept is hysterical; I like that a virgin recluse is crafting these daring garments and trying to save her family by whatever means are at her disposal. I also like how the author introduced these new "threads" into the story that will hopefully be answered in the remaining books. Namely:
  1. Will Victoria's parents reclaim the relationship they lost, and be able to find happiness together again?
  2. Why will Victoria's sister refuse to marry? What is her secret, and how will she overcome it?
  3. What in the heck is going on with the house in London, and why does it need so many repairs? Has the Andrews' solicitor been scheming them all of this time, and if so, how will they get the money back that has been invested?
  4. And, finally, how will Dr. Paul Fraser convince Juliette to let go of the pain she holds (which we discover in Book 2) and have her happily ever after?
In case you couldn't tell, we were introduced to quite a few characters all with less than stellar circumstances, and we are rooting for them all to come through whatever obstacles they are facing and make their own happiness. This is looking to be a great series and I hope you will all jump on board and give it a shot!   

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