Saturday, July 20, 2013


I have the most exciting news to share! NetGalley has approved my request to review 2 new titles, "Lovestruck in London" and "Last Call!"

My friend Amelia from Little Thoughts About Books ( first told me about NetGalley as a way to get free books to read. And I figured, why not? I'm going to be writing about them anyway... might as well not pay for them and do everyone a favor while I'm at it! :)

It's such an honor to be chosen to review for NetGalley. They prefer reviewers to be "Amazon Vine" members...... didn't know what THAT was until I looked it up, haha... or in The Industry as a publisher, a librarian, etc. Since I'm neither of those things, since apparently medical publishing does not count (LOL), it's so cool that they said that I could review. Stay tuned for some interesting new books! 

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