Monday, July 1, 2013

Applying to Seton Hill!

I'm doing it! I'm applying to graduate school for an MFA in Creative Writing. I am only applying to one school this time around, though, so let's hope I get in!
The process of applying to graduate school for creative writing is so much more intense than people realize. With other programs you only have to send in transcripts, maybe write a 2-page letter of intent, pay a little money, and then BOOM, Welcome to XYZ University! Not so for us in creative writing. I have to submit a writing sample, recommendations, an essay, transcripts, an application, my resume, and the list goes on! It's all easy stuff, but if I was doing this for, say, five schools, I'd want to shoot myself due to the stress and expense of trying to pull it off in a realistic time frame.
And the reality is that, usually, you HAVE to apply to more than 5 schools for creative writing. Have you seen/heard the statistics for us yet? Most programs only accept between 10 and 20 students A YEAR for both fiction and poetry, and some of the more popular schools get thousands (I'm not kidding, thousands) of applicants. 
I was admitted to a graduate program in 2009 for my MFA in Florida but I never went. I think about it sometimes and I often have mixed emotions about the decision. Was it the right choice to pass, would I be published today if I had gone? No one could know but it's something that I wonder. In 2009 I applied to 4 schools and was only admitted to 1, so I'm laughing at the odds this time around. I'm feeling pretty confident though, I do have to say that about myself. Nothing like believing in yourself (even if most of it is smoke and mirrors, haha). Wish me luck!

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