Sunday, September 1, 2013

New (to me) author... now a favorite!

I am absolutely in love with someone new. Well, new to me. Last month at my father-in-law's BBQ birthday party, my grandmother-in-law (is that a real thing?) had a book by Sherryl Woods laying upside down on the coffee table. Naturally, snoop that I am, I turned it over and started reading. Jean (G-in-law) saw and we struck up a conversation about romance novels. Apparently we are both huge fans of new authors, so she lent me two books from an author I had never read before. See, I'm kind of a [closet] creature of habit, as much as I like to pretend that I'm fun and spontaneous. I have to be really in the mood (or there has to be nothing new by the authors I love) in order for me to pay for a book from an author I've never heard of. For me, there's nothing worse than being totally disappointed because I didn't do my research. I've taken some chances and had some GREAT results (that's how I met Jo Beverly, Diana Gabaldon, and Julia Quinn!) but sometimes..... it's not such a great experience. :(

BUT! I have never been happier to try someone new!

I am absolutely in love with Susan Elizabeth Phillips, author of Call Me Irresistible (Book 5) and The Great Escape (Book 6). I could not put down either book. Call Me Irresistible is the story of a woman who ruins her best friend's wedding and is stuck in the hometown of the ditched groom. It's no secret who's responsible for breaking their local hero's heart, and no one is rolling out the welcome mat to Meg. It's such a funny story with a few totally unexpected twists. I love Meg, Ted, and especially Torie. You have to read it!!!!!!!!!

After you're done that book and you're sitting there asking yourself.... well, what about Lucy?!... pick up The Great Escape. It's such an awesome follow-up to answer the million-dollar question everyone is asking: where did Lucy go, and how does she get herself out of the mess she got herself into?!

Both were page-turners and I couldn't get enough. I wish I didn't have to give them back so I could reread them! I'm reading them way out of order (as you can see, I read Book 5 and Book 6 before 1 through 4) but I'm not worried about it. I felt they both stood alone as great novels, even though I know it would have been so much better to read in order. No big deal, though, Fancy Pants and Lady Be Good are on my list to read next!

Here are the stats for my two new favorite books:

Call Me Irresistible—Kindle $5.69; 3.9 out of 5 stars (by 246 readers)

The Great Escape—Kindle $9.78; 3.5 out of 5 stars (by 194 readers)

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