Monday, August 16, 2010

Why a blog?

I'm in the midst of writing my first novel (of publishable quality) and I want to share my process with those who-- like me-- were just looking for a little direction in how to go about it.
I don't know much, but I am going to learn as I go along. I think the only way to really be an author is to actually sit your butt in the chair and get to work. Hence, here I am: sitting, in the chair, getting to work.
First tidbit to share is that you always have to have ONE protagonist and ONE antagonist. Sounds like an obvious thing, right? I can't tell you how many things I've read (and written) with no bad guy. Don't make my mistake! According to Jennifer Cruise, writing inspiration of the day:

"The big thing is having ONE antagonist and ONE protagonist. It’s the protagonist’s story—her fight, her big battle. When someone, a hero or other, comes in and destroys HER antagonist, you get mad. That’s HER story—you stayed with her, until the bitter end, to see HER defeat him. When someone else swoops down and saves her right in the “nick of time”, it’s almost as if your audience has been cheated of the ending they deserved. One protagonist, one antagonist, and a big pay-off at the end."

1 comment:

  1. Such an honor to be your first follower! And happy to join you before you had a hundred posts that I would enjoyably read just to catch up.

    Now, when you are a famous author, I can say that not only are we related, but that I watched the process unfold.

    Love you lots!
